The joy and therapy in colour

As someone who also makes stained glass as well as designing pattern for textiles, I am fascinated by colour. From a holistic point of view colours are associated with the different chakras in the body. Chakras are known to be in balance or out of balance, and it’s possible to realign them with their associated colours. Crystals bearing these colours can be used to promote certain feelings and well-being, the vibrations of the colours benefit different zones in the body. For my textile designs I am drawn to bold and bright colours and looking across the whole range, it’s possible to see that they have a Mid Century Modern feel to them. If you are looking for particular colours with therapy in mind, this is a guide to help you decide where different colours are used throughout my Inkwell Designs collection.

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Environmental benefits of Organic cotton

When I was researching which fabric I wanted to print my designs on to, I looked at a whole range of textiles. In the past I might have considered silk, however since becoming vegan I wanted to be as insect friendly as possible as well. I’ve learned so much about the benefits of organic cotton as opposed to conventional cotton.

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A love of mark making

There is something about repeat pattern that makes my brain happy. With my stained glass work I appreciate the therapeutic qualities of colour, the flow of lines and the process of mark-making, and I have been able to incorporate these creative elements throughout my Inkwell Designs textile design collection as well.

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