
I enjoy making patterns for my Inkwell Designs collection, and as an environmental campaigner my intention is to do this in a mindful wayto be as sustainable as possible.

These are my original designs, printed in small batches in the UK. I research the companies I work with, asking where they source their fabric from, and support printers who share the same ethos as I do, those who can offer to print on organic cotton and recycled card. I design and make the packaging myself, keeping paper to a minimum and avoiding the use of plastic.

As part of Work for Good, Inkwell Designs donates 1% of sales to Bumblebee Conservation Trust every year.

  • Original designs

    My surface pattern designs have a mid-century modern 1950s feel to them, however they are all original creations inspired by a wide variety of observations, travels and favourite places.

    I enjoy working with bright, cheerful colours and creating complex, bold and eye catching patterns. They are mood-boosting and provide a natural dopamine - bright colours make you happy!

    You can read a bit more about these designs in the My Patterns section.

  • Made in small batches

    All of the Inkwell Designs collection is made in small batches in the UK with many handmade by myself. The packaging is also custom designed, I wrap each item, and it’s plastic free.

    I support ‘slow fashion’ which considers the way the textiles are produced, and better quality garments are longer lasting.

    Inkwell Designs values and is passionate about the fair treatment of people, animals and the planet.

  • Planet friendly

    Having researched the manufacturing of silk and other fabrics I’ve chosen organic cotton for my textile collection, as an environmental and insect-friendly option.

    Organic cotton feels softer and more luxurious than conventional cotton as the fibres haven’t been damaged by chemicals or toxins in the production process.

    Using organic cotton reduces environmental footprint of the fabric. No toxic chemicals are used in the growing of organic cotton. It doesn't damage the soil, has less impact on the air, and uses 88% less water and 62% less energy. Amazingly, conventional cotton uses about 16% of the world's insecticides and 7% of pesticides.